Today marks the kick-off of a new project called #NoFearHR between my good friend Mike VanDervort and I as we begin a dialogue on the impact of social media and Human Resources. Be sure to check out his terrific blog for his reaction once he sees today’s post.
Hey Mike,
Something has been bothering me for a while and I just can’t hold back any longer. I’ve been looking around the social media landscape and I don’t see very many Human Resources Executives participating. Sure, they’re spending money on new ATS products, facebook ads (sometimes) and generally talking about how important a social media strategy is for their company. But candidly, I don’t see many stepping up and walking the social media talk. And it’s bothering me.
Playing It Safe is Lame
Yes, yes and yes.
I’m not sure how you see it from your perspective Mike, but it seems to me HR leaders are missing a huge opportunity to jump into the modern world of social leadership. Sure there’s a downside, but everything has a downside. I’d like to find some other HR leaders at the top of their organizations who are willing to actually step up and engage in the fast-paced, and permanent world of social media.