Like A Moth To Flame

Transitions of power.

In some countries those transitions are filled with violence and bloodshed. In Corporate America the pain is less obvious…but the impact can still be damaging and permanent. Sometimes the process of transition is filled with posturing, behind-the-scenes moves, and attempts to secure power and control. At other times, it can be a process of collaboration and breakthroughs from an old culture to a new and more open way of doing business.

But only sometimes.

The word trust is tossed around so frequently in our work lives that I wonder if anyone ever takes the time to appreciate that trust is not the key issue. The real issue is whether or not the people who have power are willing to share it. If so, they get that power back plus so much more in employee loyalty, hard work and productivity.

But sharing power only happens sometimes.


I’ve come to appreciate how important relationships are before issues arise. Why? Because it’s nearly impossible to build a relationship with someone that you need to rely on during times of uncertainty and transition. Can you really believe what they’re telling you? Do you think they believe you? I’m not saying it can never happen…
But this only happens sometimes.
How About You
What do you see happening around you? Do you invest the time when you aren’t confronted with a crisis or period of major transition so you and your colleagues will be ready? Or, do you wait and react like that moth and head straight for the flames?
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.