Blind Spots and Power

Ah, the ever elusive race to the top. In the first half of my career I was laser focused on landing an executive level role. Fortunately, I was able to do that a bit earlier than expected. A calculated move to be a ‘big fish in a small pond’ paid off far more than I could have imagined. Ironically, it wasn’t about money or titles actually…it was the learning that changed the course of my journey.

Now, in the second half of my career I’ve seen leaders come and go. Many thought they had a ‘vision for what the organization needed’ or had a ‘sense of who was a high potential member of the leadership team.’ Conversely they also had an equal level of insight on ‘who just doesn’t have what it takes.’

It’s fascinating to unpack this a bit further, particularly when you take the emotion out of it. Perhaps it is the decades of experience I have in large, complex organizations that have helped me learn more? What seems to be clear however is the old concept of blind spots is alive and well.

How we define success, and who we identify as those that can deliver that success are often (if not exclusively) confirmed by our own experiences and personal views on the workplace. When we see high potential leaders we often find their skills relatable to our own. Their ability to be team-players and drive the current agenda can be misinterpreted as simply being an extension of ourselves. 

That’s a slippery slope. 

Are we searching for clones of ourselves to carry on our legacy in an attempt to validate how we’ve chosen to lead? 

Hmm. Maybe.

But what about the impact of our blind spots on the path we see for ourselves…our professional aspirations and the goals we have? Why are these the goals? Did society tell us (me) we should keep pushing? Have we found the sweet spot that balances our skills and experience along with enough of a push to keep us learning and growing and contributing? Or, are we simply chasing a goal that doesn’t truly align with who we are and how we can best contribute?

What about those who chased power? We’ve all seen them over the years, yet their blind spots still stand tall. Chasing power is not finding the sweet spot between skills, experience, growth and meaningful contribution. Chasing is all about a focus exclusively on the individual…not the organization.

3 questions to consider

– What do I excel at?

– What do I enjoy doing?

– How can I leverage these two and make a dramatic impact?

If you answered that you need to be in control to ensure ‘everything is done properly’ I would encourage you give those questions a deeper think and try again. I know I have and it’s made all the difference.

Thanks for being here.

