Working at the Speed of Failure

I read something recently that touched on the concept that in addition to our obsession with being 100% productive 100% of the time (which is completely unrealistic); we have fallen into a trap of working too quickly. 

Literally moving our bodies (and minds) at such a hurried pace that we are actually wearing ourselves out in the name of “being so busy.”

Sound familiar? It sure does to me.

This little paragraph, written almost as an afterthought, hit home. I started paying attention to my physical movements as I worked and asking myself some questions:

– Why am I constantly jumping between screens? (MacBook, iPad, iPhone)

– Am I supposed to react immediately to every email, text, and message?

– When am I actually doing deep thinking about my broad scope of work?

– If all I do is jump around from meeting to meeting and talk about my work, when do I actually have time to do the work?

Let’s level set a bit here. I have a well developed system that organizes every facet of my professional and personal lives. I’m clear on what needs to get done on any given day, and am fortunate to work with a talented team to tackle all of it with me.

And yet…that frantic pace creeps in. Why?

There are no easy answers, at least I can’t find one. I think the best next step for me is a new level of self-awareness as I literally slow down to be even more efficient and effective.

Have you examined your pace of work? What did you learn?

Thanks for being here.

