Listen. Learn. Do.

Black Lives Matter. It is not a slogan or bandwagon issue. It is something we need to embrace, respect, and acknowledge as part of the

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#MeToo Is About Everyone

Anger is rampant. Accusations are rampant. Accountability is rampant. Men are running for cover, and women feel more empowered than ever before.  It’s embarrassing that

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No Lives Matter

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”– Martin Luther King, Jr.“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.

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The House of Shame

For every time I didn’t speak up…shame.For every time I didn’t challenge the bigot…shame.For every time I had that sinking feeling in my stomach but

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I’m Not Interested

I have a list of things that I absolutely love. Whether it’s time with my kids, working out, traveling, rocking social media, my job, going

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Stronger Than Hate

I’ve been thinking about the tremendous amount of sadness in the news lately from around the world. There are big things like war, famine, and

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People Exactly Like Us

I spend a lot of time thinking about how people are treated. Sometimes it’s the tragic news stories that dominate my twitter news list. Other times

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I Am the Option

There are very few issues that I can’t process a bit before responding. I may have a strong reaction on the inside, but I try

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After many years of working as a human resources practitioner I am rarely surprised by the odd behavior that people exhibit in the workplace. Let’s

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