7 Days

A simple post with a simple request. Each day for the next seven days reach out and check in on someone. Seven different people, one

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I’ve finally jumped into the world of journaling after several stops and starts over the years. Some entries are long and vulnerable…others are brief snippets

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Rise of the Fallen

We all get knocked down, and usually find a way to drag ourselves back up again. But is that all this is? Just another positive

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The Sun is Still Out

Dearest gentle reader…in early 19th century England it was considered improper to dance during daylight hours (or at least it was according to Bridgerton.) The notion

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Extending Trust

Do your employees and young leaders need to earn your trust before it is given? Or, is developing leaders done differently through extending trust first?

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Handle Hard Better

This is probably old news to most of you…but I saw a story a couple of months back about the Duke women’s basketball coach, Kara Lawson,

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