“I don’t have time for that…work is very busy right now.”
“I don’t see the value…what does it do again?”
“I think my recruiters are using it…plus, that’s really for the Marketing department, right?”
I read a terrific blog post this weekend from James Ellis about the evolution of social media use in companies today. It was insightful, concise and direct. My disappoint with the piece was not the content, but rather my industry. I recently had the privilege to present at a conference of recruitment professionals. How many of these front line pros do you think were using social tools?
I counted less than twenty at a conference of over three-hundred. How is that possible? How is it that the healthcare industry, and the more specifically #HealthcareHR professionals are not paying attention to how the world has changed?
It used to be okay to say “my company won’t let me have an official twitter account for work.” That excuse doesn’t cut it anymore. Does that same company stop employees from having a private twitter account?
Uh…no, they don’t.
No Brand, No Options
Using social tools to build your personal brand is not a “nice to do” strategy in the modern world. Candidly, it is a “must do.” At an event for professionals in transition recently I was discussing the role social media can play not only in building your personal brand, but more importantly how that brand can differentiate you from the competition.
The room was engaged, enthusiastic, and excited to start doing just that!Using the old and lame excuses at the opening of this post are what I’ve heard repeatedly from my colleagues in the industry. Yet, these same people lament the fact that it is difficult to find talent, that it’s hard to stay current, and that it is so difficult to work with their Marketing colleagues to build a cohesive strategy.
Let me share some insight…if you don’t lead the way you will not make any progress. I’ll say it again…if YOU do not lead the way you will not make progress.
How About You
Do you want more out of your career? Do you want to be a contemporary leader? Do you want to differentiate yourself and your organization from all the rest? If so, you actually need to do something about it. I think today is a good day to get started…and I would love to help you get there!
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.