The Scars Inside You (2015 edition)

Ahhh, the last week of the year. The haze of Christmas and holiday cheer is still strong, and the excitement for New Year’s Eve is building. This week brings an odd set of thoughts and feelings that typically don’t get much air time during the other fifty-one.

Good Riddance
One of the most popular comments this week is about how anxious people are to “get this year over with.” The personal and professional challenges, changes, setbacks, or unrealized hopes come into view as we prepare to turn the page on the previous year.

The scars inside suddenly become quite public.

New You
The other theme of this week will be the promises to do all things better:
– work
– exercise
– eat clean(er)
– focus on ‘what’s important’

In some ways all of the New You talk is another version of what didn’t go well the previous year; hence, our plan to fix everything about ourselves.

More scars from the inside, showing up on the outside.

How About You
I’ve been a member of the Good Riddance and New You clubs for as long as I can remember. In 2015 I experienced the most change that I’ve ever gone through personally and professionally.

What am I going to do next year? I’m going to focus on one thing. The negative self-talk about my failures won’t help me. The extra pressure I put on myself to look a certain way physically isn’t going to help me achieve my goals. The burden I feel to perform at a high level professionally can’t truly help me be my best.

No, there is only one thing I need to focus on next year.

My attitude. 

The way I look at it…if my attitude is right, the rest will fall into place. 

Happy New Year friends!

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.