
The corporate kind.

We take them…at least I believe we’re supposed to. We take them personally, for our colleagues, and for our organizations. We don’t share the majority of them with anyone.

We just take them. Straight up.

Martyrdom or Leadership
Balancing between accountability and organizational advocacy is where the fine line is drawn between company martyr and staunch advocate for your organization. Sometimes it’s impossible to see that line…at least it is for me.

Sharing every stumble or human mistake is hardly worth discussing. Ah, martyrdom. So lonely, yet so satisfying in an odd way.

Conversely, when a a stumble becomes a fall, sharing becomes mandatory. Ah, the risk of being the negative leader.

Finding the Line
I’ll be honest…I can’t find the line. Some days I can manage it, take the proverbial bullets, and move on. Other days, I’m not sharing enough to keep the team up to speed so they can ‘do better ‘next time.’

Hold back?

Share? (read here…pass along complaints?)

Sure, it’s easy to say it should all be shared. Yet, somehow it doesn’t feel right, particularly when there is precious little to share in the first place.

When to speak up?

When to take the heat?

How About You
How many bullets do you take? Are you a strong leader who isn’t afraid to take too many; or, are you the one that shares everything as soon as it comes in so you can never be ‘blamed’ for anything?

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.
