Visions In My Head

We all see the world in one way...our way. We convince ourselves we’re seeing it the right way too.

Oh sure, we also claim to be open-minded, and willing to walk in other people’s shoes too. Hahahaha…sure we do.

Lens? What Lens?
Here’s my dilemma…despite my powerful self-talk machine that “tells me” I’m open-minded, I find myself wondering if that is actually true. 

Or, at least, true enough.

Think about that for a second. You’ve spent your entire career in HR proclaiming to be open-minded, and as it turns out you’re just like everyone else. 

Your lens is firmly strapped on, and that is the way you see the world.

Time for the Humble Pie Buffet
How exactly does one figure out if their world view is much more limited than they previously believed? How much courage does it take to ask and find out?

Whoa! Not sure I’m ready for that.

But if I’m going to be effective, I need to be a lot more open to feedback from those that I trust. (see this post about your Personal Board of Directors to learn more.) 

What might we learn if we ask those closest to us for their honest take on who we are? Are we ready for that feedback? More importantly, are we prepared to make the changes necessary to align our talk and our actions?

Heavy stuff.

How About You
When was the last time you took a step back and critically evaluated your ‘open mind?’ 

Is that too scary; or, could it be a moment that leads you to new ways of thinking, working, and leading?

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.
