All things considered, life is pretty easy, don’t you think?
Of course it isn’t. Sometimes it’s hard as hell.
I don’t know about you, but I feel a tremendous amount of pressure in my life. Some is self-inflicted, some is based on the nature of the work I do, and some is just unnecessary.
But it’s there. Every day.
Am I doing a good enough job at my firm? Am I maintaining important clients? Am I bringing in enough new ones to take care of our team and hire new employees as we grow? Have I addressed every single issue that has been thrown my way?
Sometimes it feels like a bit too much. Often times it feels like…well…a bit too much.
Then there’s that other emotion…the one that surpasses pressure, whether it’s in our professional lives or our personal ones. You know this one too…it’s the disappointment when we stumble. It’s the hurt when we make a mistake that is often huge in our minds, but isn’t quite that big in reality. It’s letting someone down when we really never intended to do so.
Amongst all of these swirling feelings, we find something. It’s hard to describe and nearly impossible to quantify. Yet, it’s there. We can feel this one too. It’s our ability to pull from somewhere deep inside and marshal onward. Often times with unexpected confidence.
Where did that come from? Why didn’t it make an appearance at the beginning of this journey instead of at the perceived low point?
How About You
How do you ‘handle’ it all? Is it easy; or, do you find yourself in a dark place that does not have a clear path out.
Until it does.
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.