Don’t you think so too? I mean really, how many other professions complain about having a seat at the table, lament that work is being outsourced, and seek out their colleagues to whine about how awful things are? The future must be bright, right? Do accountants rush to huddle together and begin shaking and quivering at the very thought of not being relevant to their companies? When was the last time you saw a web designer wondering if they would have a job?
Stop it. If you’re worried about the future of HR, you should be worried about you…not the profession. HR is in high gear. You did notice, right?
Times Have Changed
Over the last year I’ve met many HR Leaders who are changing their organizations through new, cutting-edge HR practices. They aren’t wasting time wallowing in self-pity; in fact, they’re taking action. They take risks, push through new innovative strategies, and make a real difference for their companies and the profession. It’s not that they are that much different from you and I…they just go for it. You and I should go for it too.Get Fired Up!
I’m convinced there is a growing leadership void today, and that means endless possibilities for leaders with courage. Courage to take risks, to push HR forward as an impact area in their organizations v. a transactional processing cost center…courage to do something.
What’s holding you back from trying new things? Is it uncomfortable? Has your organization always done things a certain way? How is that old approach working for you?
Reach out to a colleague today. Don’t wait for them to do it…send a direct message, an email, a text. Better yet, pick up your smart phone and actually use it as a phone. Be part of the future of HR…it’s moving fast and I’m fired up!
How About YouAre you waiting for the sub-committee on recruitment and retention to review the latest policy packet before you decide to set up a task force to take a closer look at next steps? Or, are you going to actually provide some leadership in your organization? Now pardon me, I need to grab my sunglasses…the future of HR is just so bright.
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
pic courtesy of ECW and Optics Planet