Last week a group of bloggers were recognized for their contributions to making a difference in the world of Human Resources. The team over at FistfulofTalent rolled out an announcement that included a countdown from 5 to 1. I was quite humbled to be a part of that large group. What struck me though, is that the countdown and the amazing writers who filled all of the spots (as well as those not included this time) are actually working to transform our profession.
That Takes Guts
A Call to Action
Over the course of time other leaders have taken risks, put themselves out there publicly to move things forward, and have made a difference. Whether they were artists, poets, musicians, politicians or business leaders, they stepped out of their comfort zones and forced the discussion.
They forced the discussion.
How About You
Are you ready to contribute to the dialogue? You’ve been thinking about it, and now it’s time to take the next step. Join the other HR leaders who are taking the risks, pushing the agenda, and ultimately proclaiming that we’re “gonna win, yeah we’re takin’ over.” Are you ready to force the discussion?
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
pic courtesy of blogging4jobs