Almost two years ago I decided to take a risk. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting myself into; and to be honest, I was a bit scared of making myself look (even more) goofy than I do already.
But I went for it anyway.
So Many Blogs
At first the concept of getting into blogging seemed a bit overwhelming. Not only would I be putting myself out there (that’s making a huge assumption that anyone would actually be reading anything I wrote – you get the point); but there are so many great blogs on so many topics that I was quite sure I would simply be lost in the crowd.
But I went for it anyway.
So Little Time
Next hurdle…finding the time to write. This part has actually turned out to be the easiest of all the challenges…here’s why:

Sometimes I stir the pot, add to an ongoing dialogue, raise a little hell, or spark a reaction in others. But mostly I blog for me. There’s room for you too. Are you ready to go for it?
I’d love to hear from you.