There it was again. That nervous laughter when someone in a leadership role made an innuendo about race. The last time it was about being gay. What follows is always the same…an awkward moment of silence, and then the nervous laughter of those sitting around the table feeling compelled to join in, but obviously hating the moment.
The 1970’s Were Bad…Right?
Thankfully I was raised in a household that held diversity as a core value. In fact, my parents share a story about me as a young boy that illustrates the point. One winter I saw a black man and a white woman holding hands as they walked down the street, and I exclaimed “that’s bad!” In a panic, my parents tried to stay calm and asked me why that was so bad. I answered, “because he’s not wearing a coat, it’s winter time!”
Thank God for my parents.
It’s Better in 2012…Right?

How About You
What do you do in your moment of silence? Do you take a stand and rise above the others and say what’s on your mind? Or, do you let the silence wrap itself around you in a blanket of shame?
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.