3 Deadly Words

As leaders we often don’t feel any different than how we did earlier in our careers. Sure, we appreciate our greater scope of responsibility, we know the strategic direction our organizations must work toward more than most, and we certainly have a longer to do list than ever before. What often gets overlooked however is the significant impact we have with our words and behavior.

Yes, we know that how we interact with others is important, but in senior leadership roles the impact of what we say and how we say it is magnified on a scale we simply can not appreciate.

What terms from many years ago still ring true when we consider the missteps that seem to continue to plague so many leader today? What can these words tell us that make perfect sense?

Treachery, deceit, no cunning, no guile

In your leadership practice are you focused on raising others up; or, are you narrowly focused on how you will be perceived for that next promotion? If your updates are filled with “I this…” and “I that…” then my guess is that next promotion is a long way off.

No verbal abuse, no snapping back, no getting even in our relationships

In the heat of the moment do you remain calm? Are you able to appreciate how stressful it is for a member of your team to share bad news with you? Do you think they are concerned with your reaction? How about you surprise them next time and don’t over react, but instead brainstorm realistic options to keep moving forward.

We are not to threaten to bully to coerce in our relationships

All too often I see leaders treat their employees unfairly without even saying a word. Their bullying behavior speaks for itself, and everyone around them is keenly aware. The ancient perspective that fear breeds respect is long dead.
Treating people with respect breeds respect. If you’re still focused on a command and control style, your time in leadership is short.

How About You
What words do you chose when giving feedback to your team? How do you engage your staff to help them maximize their potential (which by the way typically means your organization is more productive and profitable.)? Let’s all heed the lessons of the ancients who taught us such powerful leadership terms.

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

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