When I started this blog my goal was to speak to one person –> me. My questions at the end of each post are mostly a challenge back to myself to react to what I’ve written. Sure, I love the many comments that have been added to the site over the years. But in reality, I’m the target audience.
For the most part that strategy has worked well. I’ve found that writing not only serves as a release, but also as a vehicle for me to process the challenges I face in my professional life. I also take advantage of the platform sometimes and discuss issues I feel strongly about (crappy meetings, racism, equal rights for our LGBT colleagues, etc..)
Work Is Hard
I love my job. But sometimes my job is hard. Maybe that is because I’m not doing well enough, maybe I have a lot more to learn, or maybe sometimes our jobs are supposed to be hard. I’m guessing it’s a combination of all three factors. Blogging really helps in these instances.
Maybe you should try it?
Writing doesn‘t solve your problems, or help you identify a radical new approach that helps your company hit the quarterly earnings target.
However, it does help organize what is happening in your world. Even if it’s just a little problem that is stuck in your head. That alone may be a good enough reason to start writing through your problems, instead of just thinking through them.
Don’t Suck
One of the unexpected outcomes of blogging, at least so far, is that once you publish your perspective on things, there is an unwritten sense of responsibility to live up to what has been put out on the web for all to see (or at least the small–but–mighty group of No Excuses readers!)
I don’t want to suck at leadership…it’s just too important. So I have to live by what I’ve written, and that is hard to do sometimes.
How About You
What strategies do you use to deal with the pressure of your work life? Have you ever considered writing down your challenges; or, perhaps even starting your own blog? For me, it has moved from being a project I was intrigued about doing, to something that I have to do…
…just for me.
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.