Under the Influence

Today I’m going to share something about myself that some of you may not know. It’s such a part of who I am, that I don’t remember being anything but this way. It’s been both a blessing and a burden at times, but mostly it’s simply…me. First, a little set up for what I need to disclose.

Talking to Myself
For many years I’ve used personal mantras to help manage my life. In particular, I’ve used them to help manage the “self-talk” that we all have running in our heads throughout the day. (Everyone has that self-talk thing going…right?) Two of the most important personal mantras of mine continue to have a huge influence in my daily life.

No Excuses. – This is one of my favorites (obviously!) To me it represents a level of commitment, a willingness to power through difficulties, and to raise my personal level of accountability much higher than what I might have thought was originally possible.

Work Hard, Play Hard. – This one plays out in every aspect of my life. My career, my fitness routines, the music I listen to, and my personal passions.


The impact of my personal mantras is that I realize I have a deep affection for adrenaline. The intensity of pressure, deadlines, too many priorities, taking risks, trying new things, and conflict in my work life are often draining. Yet I seek these things out routinely. I can’t stop…and quite frankly, I don’t want to!

The influence…the rush…of adrenalin has fueled my life, including my leadership style for many years. Is that a good thing? I’m not sure. Sometimes it has allowed me to push past old stereotypes, take necessary (albeit scary) risks, and make a difference. 

At other times it has been something that overpowers those around me. That’s not fair to them…but my reality is…I’m an adrenaline-rush guy.

How About You
What drives you? Is it work…taking risks…a personal passion? Or, have you settled into a comfortable routine that doesn’t include any adrenaline? If things have slowed down in your world, you might consider kicking things up a notch. You’ll never know what is achievable if you never feel the rush.

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.
