The ultra-competitive environment to source, attract and hire talent is fascinating. So many organizations lament the fact that they can not find the “right” people to meet their needs.
Yet these same organizations continue to use the same old and ineffective approaches to talent acquisition; or they are being taken advantage of by large vendors that throw around lots of terminology but fail to execute effectively on behalf of their clients.
I’m calling B.S. on both approaches!
Desperate and Scared
For years I’ve seen organizations that know they need to implement contemporary strategies as part of their talent strategy, but doing so represents such a quantum leap out of their comfort zone that they are paralyzed with fear.
“Leaders who fail to make bold decisions are usually not leaders for very long.”
The ghosts of yesteryear continue to haunt these well intended leaders. Think about the good old days of display ads in the Sunday paper. Now that was living in your comfort zone! Sadly, there really isn’t a Sunday paper anymore, right?
Now Is Your TimeThe opportunities available to today’s talent acquisition leader are endless. The ability to position your organization as a high-performing, contemporary leader in your industry is not as hard as you think.
Yes it takes expertise, courage and commitment. But isn’t that in every leader’s job description anyway?
How About You
Do you believe in ghosts? If so, maybe you and I should talk. I want to help…and it sounds like you might need to exorcise a few demons.
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.