I’m so pleased to write a post for #Hire_Friday in support of the terrific work that is being done to support job seekers. If you’re not participating each week, you’re missing out!
I want to talk strategy with you. Let’s take the emotions out of the conversation for a moment, and simply talk strategy. If you are disappointed with your career path, or are making that all-important decision about starting your professional life, you need to be strategic.
So let’s begin with a simple question: If you knew the industry you worked in was going to have 70,000,000 customers over the next 25 years, would you be interested? If you knew these customers had no choice but to access your services in some way, would you want to learn more? Would you like to do something that actually makes a difference?
Of course you would. You’re bright, motivated, and want to do something meaningful with your life.
ONE CLEAR CHOICEHealthcare. Perhaps you’re already in the industry, perhaps you’re noticing that it is one of the few sectors in the American economy that is growing. And will continue to grow. The baby boomers we’ve been hearing about for so long are finally starting to retire. Remember, no emotion. The reality is that a huge number of people who are going to need healthcare services are at an age when utilization increases dramatically. That means a steady stream of customers will be pouring into healthcare facilities across the country for the next 25 years.
I know what you’re thinking – “I don’t want to do patient care.” You don’t have to. Healthcare organizations are businesses just like any other, with one exception – they have the greatest mission of them all. Time for a bit of self-disclosure. I’m the Vice President of Human Resources for a Healthcare System based in Florida. That means I see the explosive growth all around me, and the corresponding need for good people to be part of the excitement.
The range of positions in the healthcare industry is extensive and ever-changing. Take the time to speak with a local recruiter, connect with a professional Healthcare organization like The American College of Healthcare Executives, The Institute for Diversity in Health Management or explore healthcare careers and get moving. Investing your time now, will mean a life time of opportunity.
What do you think? Your decision may save a life some day.
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
pics courtesy of www.boomerslife.org and www.cfghealthsystems.com