“Change is good!”
“The only constant around here is change!”
“Change brings innovation, breakthroughs, and progress!”
“If you can’t change, it may be you that is the problem!”
I Get It
I have completely bought into the “change-is-good” mindset at work. I’ve pushed myself, and my team to try new things, explore social tools, collaborate with marketing and end up with something as cool as this. I can not thank the team enough for all of the work that went into this whole year of change.
I’m good with change at work. At home…well…
“It’s my attitude that has made the difference, not any edict, or regulation, or mandate. I’m the one that makes it happen in the end.”
How About You
When the never ending series of changes bombards you each day, do you cry out for someone to save you? Or, do you take advantage of those moments so you can actually try new approaches that might feel a bit awkward at first, but release you to make a breakthrough in the end?
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.