Getting Started Using Social Media in Your Career

Even though the echo chamber is louder than ever in the social media space, there continue to be many…many…professionals who have yet to adopt these tools into their professional lives.

Honestly, getting started, particularly for my #HealthcareHR colleagues can feel like they are literally putting their jobs at risk. However, it does not have to be that way at all!

Start Slow
A key step in the process…from my experience…is to take your time. There is no hurry, you’re not behind anyone else, and you certainly should never rush adopting new ways of doing your work.

However, it is time to get started. That means, today!

Step by Step
This is the easiest part of your transition to becoming a contemporary leader. You’ve probably already done part of this already. Do you have a Linkedin profile? Good! 

Next, open a twitter account. Keep in mind…you haven’t posted anything yet, so you are not taking any risks!

Last step…start to identify content that you might like to share.

Pro Tip!
– your company probably produces content regularly….start there! 

Other ideas include professional journals (within your industry, Harvard Business Review, Inc., etc..) Start sharing this content once a day. It’s safe, will make you look like you’re aware that it is almost 2017, and you will begin to differentiate yourself and your company from the competition.

How About You
That wasn’t so scary after all, right? Other helpful strategies as you get started should include following people in your industry and replicate what they do. Slow and steady actually does win the race.

Have questions? I’d love to help…reach out anytime.

I’d love to hear from you.

No Excuses.