Every organization I speak with “wants” to be a contemporary player in the ongoing struggle to attract talent. However, most have no idea how to leverage social or digital tools to make that desire a reality.
Sadly, one of the most powerful and frequently overlooked weapons available is walking in and out of the front door every day.
The employees.
Brand Ambassadors
Whether we call them brand ambassadors, employee advocates, or formal members of the recruitment marketing team, there is no voice more powerful than the voice of the those that have already committed to representing the employer brand.
Let’s leave the whole “building an employer brand strategy” discussion for another post, and focus on the massive amount of horsepower that is ready, willing and able to launch that strategy right now.
The first step is easy and effective: identify the employees who are already on social, or who have expressed an interest in being more active on social platforms.
If you think it is impossible to find these internal superusers, you are actually saying more about how out of touch you are vs. expressing frustration with the process. If you haven’t kept up with the changes in the world of work, of course it will be difficult to identify your own brand champions.
Start Small, Go Big
A simple search of the various social channels will help you identify who is actively supporting your employer brand. Set up a twitter list to help keep track of the team’s efforts quickly and efficiently.
Next, reach out to those individuals and draft them into service as part of your overall employer brand strategy.
Formalize the support you provide your initial core group of brand champions with training, guidance, content recommendations, and support. From there, you can add new employees to the group in a thoughtful and coordinated way.
How About You
There really is no excuse to hide behind the fear of social media. It is a core component of every industry. In fact, your employees are probably wondering why you don’t ask them to help. They are already advocating for your company, you just don’t know it!
The only thing standing in your way…is you. Let me help!
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.