I have the privilege of meeting and working with many talented leaders across the country. They are bright, experienced, successful, and motivated to take their organizations to the next level.
They share a common bond in that each one is struggling to find the talent their organizations are desperate for; yet when it comes to positioning themselves and their employer brands in the mainstream, suddenly the reality of their inaction becomes painfully clear.
They are invisible…and so are their organizations.
But We Provide Great Care
What is so often confusing for leaders in hospitals, and other organizations along the healthcare continuum, is that their status as a provider (think MD, Hospital, Long Term Care facility, etc.) has nothing to do with their reputation as an employer.
For some reason, these concepts get interwoven so frequently that today’s leaders are missing an enormous opportunity to differentiate themselves from their competition.
Everyone knows what you do…no one knows what it’s like to work for you.
Digital World
Whether or not “experienced” leaders want to accept it or not, we live in a digital world. There is no point in making lame excuses that you don’t have time to learn (read here, it is not a priority to learn.)
Or, that you don’t understand how digital business tools work (read here, I can save patients lives with my clinical skills but I am too embarrassed to let anyone know I can’t figure out twitter.)
Trust me, we already know. You’re invisible, remember?
How About You
So, what are you going to do about your status as an accomplished leader who has not remained current? Who are you going to reach out to for help without publicly shaming yourself?
Me, that’s who. I’d love to help you get started. If I could do it…you absolutely can.
I’d love to hear from you.
No Excuses.